Dear FeedARead Author

We have introduced our new free-to-join program where you can earn money simply by adding a small banner or text link about FeedARead to your website or to your Facebook or Twitter page. We’ve prepared a range of banners in different sizes which will just take a minute for you to add one to your site.

You can link from your website or Twitter or Facebook direct to your book's page on FeedARead and every person that clicks on the banner or link and buys your book or publishes you receive a extra commission - see example below.. Please login and click on Earn Money from Referrals on the left menu or click here to signup now.

As an example, for a referred author who clicks on a banner or text link and registers on FeedARead and purchases a distribution package, you could earn £20 GBP (or $30 USD, 27 Euro, $40 AUD) each time.

For any referred visitor who purchases a book -  including one of your books - you can earn an additional 20p per copy (or $0.30 USD, 0.30 Euro, $0.35 AUD).

If a referred author publishes and sells their books in distribution on a website such as Amazon, then you can earn 20p per copy (or $0.30 USD, 0.30 Euro, $0.35 AUD). A best seller could earn you thousands!

Remember, FeedaRead takes care of all the publishing so you don't need to do anything. Simply having the banner or link on your website or Facebook and Twitter is all you need do.

It is ‘self-service’ to join and participate as it is very simple and takes only a few minutes. To signup now, login and click Earn Money from Referrals on the left menu or click here now and begin earning straight away.

Best wishes
The feedaread team Logo - making it easy to publish your book.