FeedARead.com - Arts Council funded free publishing site

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Monday June 13, 2011 at 2:16pm

FeedARead, established with Arts Council England funding
Arts Council England is the major government-funded Arts body dedicated to promoting and funding projects which benefit the arts. They fund prestigious arts organizations such as the Royal Opera House in London.

FeedARead.com Publishing - It is free to join and it is free to set-up your book for publishing.

FeedARead publishing service enables all writers of different nationalities to publish writing of any kind, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and all other types of writing. It is free to join and it is free to set-up your book for publishing. Our printers have the largest global distribution network of their kind with over 30,000 wholesalers, retailers and booksellers in over 100 countries to ensure your book will gain the maximum exposure in the market today. This means that a bookstore quality paperback copy of each author’s book is printed each time a book is ordered by a reader anywhere in the world.

Feedback from world-leading publishers for FeedARead.com authors

Every three months, the bestselling authors that have been published by FeedARead will have the opening chapters of their books read by, and will receive feedback from The Random House Group and Orion, who publish authors such as Dan Brown, John Grisham and Terry Pratchett. The beneficial reasons for this feedback for our published authors is to help authors develop their writing further, for example, to consider if they wish to revise their book based on the publisher feedback. This feedback also gives authors a unique opportunity to be considered by world-leading publishers, as authors always retain their copyright on FeedARead, and can use our publishing as a stepping-stone for even wider publishing success with the world’s largest publishers, should they be interested in your work

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Jenny Hewkin | Saturday August 20, 2011 at 5:51pm
All I can say is that I am absolutely delighted with everyone at FeedaRead - my new book looks amazing. My third book is currently work in progress but I know where it is going when it is finished. Everyone is a delight to work with....
Monica Hoglund Meri | Sunday December 18, 2011 at 6:22am
Will be very interesting to see what develops !...

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