How To Enter: Simply read a brief extract from each book below by clicking on the book title and then click the button you will see to view the extract. Then, email your three favourite book extracts from the books as outlined below.
Closing date 31st August 2015 You can also publish your own paperback for free on with high royalties and free publishing options. View testimonials from our authors about publishing with FeedARead.comCompetition aim Your aim is to rate which of the three extracts you think the majority of other competition entrants will rate the highest from the 7 brief book extracts below. After the competition closing date of 31st August 2015 we then collate the votes that all books received from competition entrants. If you rated the three books which received the most votes (you don’t have to have guessed the exact most popular order of the three) you will then be entered along with the other entrants who also correctly guessed the three most popular extracts into a random draw to win the Bloomsbury Editor Critique.
Add the book titles of your Top 3 extracts below After you read the extracts then add in the comments box at the bottom of this page which extracts you think will be the top three extracts. For example, enter in the comments box: your 1st Favourite followed by the book title ; your 2nd Favourite followed by the book title and your 3rd Favourite followed by the Book Title. You don't need to enter your website below if you don't have one and entrants entries aren't made public.
The Chatelaine of Montaillou View bookWhen the Siren Cries View bookThe Over 50's Escort Agency View bookLast Assault on Oak Island View bookWrecker's Cove View bookKAL View bookThe result will be announced by the end of the third week of September 2015 and the judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. As different entrants will have different genre preferences then the most popular extracts will not be announced, only the winner of the competition will be announced.
We wish you every success!
Best wishes,
Thefeedaread team