Bookseller Terms and Conditions
FeedARead Publishing Agreement Click on the Go button next to your book title on your My Books page to return to the Apply for Distribution Package page.
1. Parties
This is a Publishing Agreement between FeedARead (“Publisher”) and the author (“Author”). This agreement relates to the print version only of the book you are publishing with the Publisher, herein referred to as "Work", “Book” or “Content”. By entering into this agreement the Author agrees to all of the publishing conditions set out in this agreement as detailed below and as set out in our User Agreement View The User Agreement is the agreement that members agree to when they first register with FeedARead. Please read this and the following agreement carefully if you decide to publish with FeedARead.
2. License to Publish
The Author grants to the Publisher the non-exclusive, worldwide license to publish the Book in print. The Author retains sole and exclusive worldwide copyright and all rights including moral rights to the Book in all formats and editions. An ISBN will be assigned by The Publisher to the Author’s Book to enable the book to be ordered and sold by FeedARead, and by online retailers and booksellers should the Author choose. The Author can publish an e-book separately with another publisher should they wish. FeedARead publishes paperbacks only currently.
3. Publication
The Author grants to the Publisher the right to store, transmit, use and distribute copies of the Book and its content, images, and other author and Book information to facilitate the publication, printing, and sales and sales display process. This includes to all booksellers and other vendors or affiliates to enable the publication and sales process.
4. Author Rights of Cancellation
The Author may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason by logging on to and clicking the button to cancel their book from their Author Account page. If a book is in distribution with booksellers when cancelled, then upon book cancellation the Publisher will inform the printers, who will in turn inform the book data chain that the book is no longer available for sale from the printers. The Author accepts that the Publisher is not responsible for online and other book retailer’s removal of book listings on their own sites, as other booksellers, retailers and other vendors are separate organizations from the Publisher. For example, a bookseller such as Amazon may have bought copies of a book before cancellation by the Author, which they still possess, and as such those book copies are owned by the bookseller for sale, and they may continue to display the book accordingly on their book site, or otherwise continue to display the book due to their own separate display policies and systems. Any issues with regard to removing book display listings must be taken up by the Author with the bookseller to resolve if any bookseller or retailer has not removed a cancelled book, and the Author accepts that this is their responsibility and not the responsibility of the Publisher as the Author remains the copyright holder. The above examples and instances are how bookseller processes can operate, and the Author accepts booksellers and retailers are completely separate organizations from the Publisher with regard to if any bookseller or retailer continues to display a cancelled book. The Author accepts that our cancellation processes are automated and that books can only be cancelled by the Author by clicking the button to cancel their Book on their Author Account page on the site. Once the Author cancels, our printers are informed to ensure a book can no longer be ordered, and a book cancellation made by the Author cannot be reversed. The cancellation process usually takes up to 30 days to complete. The exceptions to the Author’s ability to remove their book(s) and Content are as follows: Content in which the Author has granted permission to other members to include his/her Content into collaborative Works. If such Content has been included or incorporated into another Book which is for sale on FeedARead, that derivative Book, and/or collaborative Book, shall remain available. For example, the above might apply if the Author has published a short story along with others as part of a collection.
Content may also be kept for archival to the necessary extent and purpose required by our data backup systems or by our discretion for necessary archival purposes.
The Publisher cannot enter into further correspondence re these processes beyond the information outlined as above.
5. Author Warranties
The Author represents and warrants the following to the Publishers:
(a) that you, the Author, are the exclusive owner of the Content, and have the legal authority to enter into this agreement and grant publishing rights regarding the Content
(b) this Agreement does not conflict with any other agreement, arrangement or understanding between the Author and any other persons, business or entity
(c) your Content, and its publication by us, does not or will not violate or infringe upon any personal or proprietary rights, including copyrights, contract rights, trademark or trade secret rights, other intellectual property rights, publicity rights, or privacy rights of any other persons or entities
(d) that your Content is free of any claims of libel, copyright or trademark infringement, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts, or breach of privacy
(e) that you will not enter any agreement with any person, firm or other entity that would conflict with the rights granted to the Publisher without first terminating this contract
(f) that you will pay all applicable royalties and other income which may be due to copyright owners or record royalty participants under any applicable collective bargaining agreements relating to your book content, for example, if you use the copyrighted material of others - including images, copyrighted fonts, or other Content - with the permission of the applicable copyright owner(s) or their managing agents or managing administrators permission
(g) you warrant that your Content is not defamatory or obscene, or illegal in nature, and warrant and represent that the Content and material contained within it will not be injurious to any user, reader or other person. You agree to indemnify us against any legal costs and actions that may occur as the result of you infringing any of the above warranties made in 5 (a) to (g). We reserve the right not to publish books or Content submitted to us for publishing or posting, and you accept that we can cancel publication that we believe, according to our sole discretion, breaks or violate the terms of this Agreement. This includes if any of the above terms have been infringed, or to cancel publication or postings if we believe in our opinion that you are taking any steps or actions which are bringing our publishing service into disrepute, or otherwise making our relationship with you untenable. If we request that you provide additional information relating to your Content, for example to confirm that you have all the rights necessary to enable the publication and distribution of your content, then you agree to provide and to represent and warrant that any documentation or information you provide in response will be up to date, full and accurate in detail. You agree to allow and authorize us, either directly or through a third party, to make any inquiries we deem necessary to confirm and verify that you have the rights to authorize our publication and distribution of your Content and to confirm the accuracy of the documentation or other information you give to us with regard to those rights. If a book is cancelled by us if any of terms 5 (a) to (g) are broken or violated by you, then payments for our services will not be refunded to you, including royalties if a book infringes the copyright of others as detailed within the terms of 5 (a) to (g) above. Notwithstanding that no payments will be due where any of the terms in 5 (a) to (g) are broken or violated, you accept that the maximum we shall be liable to pay upon our cancellation of any book if we believe any of the terms 5 (a) to (g) above have been infringed, will be any due royalties for Content at the next applicable six-monthly Royalty payment period as outlined below in this agreement in Section 8 Author Royalties, and the maximum for Services we refund will be solely for the fee paid for the bookseller distribution service if you have paid this fee. No refunds for bookseller distribution fees are given other than if we cancel a book due to our belief that it infringes any of terms 5 (a) to (g) above. The following will not be liable to be paid by the Publisher to the Author if we cancel a book due to our belief that it infringes any of terms 5 (a) to (g) above: a refund for any books purchased by the Author, if of normal publication quality from our printers, and also any other miscellaneous costs for Services which were not paid by the Author to the Publisher, including, but not limited to, revision costs, manuscript or cover editing costs, costs relating to publicity or an author book launch, or other payments paid by the Author to a third party, or other expenses. Copyright infringement may be relatively rare, however the terms above are to protect the interests of all our authors should any minority willfully or otherwise infringe the copyright and creations of others.
6. Publicity
The Author agrees that the Publisher has the full right to use book excerpts, quotes, reviews, cover images, author feedback, including author feedback to us about our services, reader feedback, and other book related material, publicity, and Content for promotional purposes. The Publisher helps to promote writers where we can as a general purpose by enabling authors to sell their books on FeedARead or via the ordering services of retailers. There is no agreement on the part of the Publisher however to engage in or fund promotion or marketing expressed or implied by this Agreement. It is of the utmost importance that before arranging book publicity, including book signing publicity, that the Author should first ensure that their book or any revision of their book is available to print and order, and that the Author has checked and is satisfied with the published book, before arranging any publicity or book signings of any kind. It is the Author’s responsibility to ensure that they have first received and checked a book or book order before arranging an event or to meet a publicity deadline, rather than the Publisher's responsibility to meet a deadline the author has arranged if not within our publishing and delivery timelines and terms and conditions as outlined in our publishing agreement and on the site. To avoid any issues and rushing, Authors should always arrange events after your book has been completed and you have checked and are satisfied with the final book. For example, many authors find they may have made small errors in their books, or other things they wish to change, so it is best not to rush forward with events until you are sure your book is the final version that you want published. We advise that Authors should also always allow as a precaution at least 5 to 10 working days on top of the processing and delivery times listed on the site for processing and delivery from when you order your book to receiving the copies. This is because unpredictable events may sometimes affect the normal timelines for production and delivery, and being aware of the above, avoids issues for any events the Author may arrange, and make your book event the enjoyable occasion it should be. Our printers print hundreds of thousands of books annually, and we and they always endeavor wherever possible to meet our very high standards of production and delivery. Click here to view author feedback on our service. If you are ordering from outside the UK, US or Australia, you should allow for extra overseas delivery time in addition to the usual book processing and delivery timelines as outlined on the site when you order, or when anyone else orders. Though processing and delivery timelines displayed for your order on the site will usually take the time as listed on the site, allowing this extra time will ensure your book signing or any other event is the enjoyable occasion it should be. Our printers are one of the world’s largest and most reliable, but it’s important that you accept that we are not responsible, including financially, if you do not allow an extra safety margin for unexpected delays in processing and delivery as outlined above, due to unpredictable events which can occur in processing and delivery of books. You accept that we are not responsible, including financially, for any delays caused by Acts of God or other unpredictable events.
7. Timelines to Publish Book
The Publisher will endeavor to have each book published within 14 to 21 days after the book is correctly submitted by the Author in full to the FeedARead site, so that the author can order a copy to check. The Author accepts that this is our usual aim and usually always achieved – click here to view our feedback from authors - but not a guarantee as unpredictable events may affect the timeline, and failure to meet this deadline does not constitute a breach of this Agreement.
Authors are responsible for submitting books and cover images correctly, as per the book submission instructions contained on the FeedARead site during the publishing process. If the Author enters the publishing process and finds they cannot submit their interior or cover to meet the submission instructions, or is informed by the Publisher that their book has not met the submission requirements, then their book will not be able to be published. There will be a refund minus a 25% administrative deduction for administrative processing undertaken, if the Author paid a bookseller distribution fee, or revision fee, or paid cover fee. The administrative deduction will be because the Publisher has undertaken the work to process the book, and found that the book as submitted by the Author does not meet submission requirements as outlined on the Site to the Author during the publishing process. The Author accepts that no other monies will be due to them in these circumstances. The Author will be able to submit a revision of their book via their user account page on FeedARead if they wish, and this will be at the applicable revision fee as listed in this agreement.
8. Author Royalties And Book Retail Price
FeedARead royalties are considerably higher than the norm for publishing. Author royalties in the print book industry are typically 7.5% to 15% of retail price, and FeedARead enable royalties which are at the higher end of this range for our Authors royalty benefits. The Author shall receive a net royalty, which the Author sets during the publishing process before publishing, on all sales of copies of their book. The net royalty is the exact amount that will be received by the Author for each sale made of their book. The net royalty the Author chooses to set before they publish is the amount the author will receive per book sale as above, and is calculated based on printing costs, our service fee per book sale, and after bookseller discounts for books that are in bookseller distribution. The bookseller discount is the amount that the bookseller, such as Amazon, takes of each book sale costs for listing the book for display. The Author sees the exact amount they receive per book sale after these costs before they publish during the publishing set-up process on FeedARead on their Author account page on site. Author royalties are not paid on copies of the Author’s book bought by the Author direct from the Publisher as the Author instead receives an Author’s discount on copies they buy of their own book(s). This means the Author can buy copies of their own books below their retail price. The Author will see their author discount price for purchasing copies of their own book during the book publishing process on FeedARead before they choose to submit their completed book for publishing. The Publisher endeavors to set very good Author discount prices for print on demand publishing. The Author accepts that Author discount prices, the retail prices of books, and postage over time may be subject to change depending on changes in printing costs or other administrative costs. For example, market/world economy conditions may affect the above or overseas sales, and the Author agrees to accept such changes if made. The Author furthermore accepts that the Publisher reserves the right to make what it considers to be reasonable adjustments to Author discounts accordingly over time due to changes, for example, changes in printing costs, or currency conversion rates for overseas sales.
The Author will set their book retail price during the book publishing submission process before they submit their book. As well as giving writers a high royalty, the Publisher’s aim is to set marketable book prices for readers. The Author accepts that suitable retail prices may vary over time depending on average changes to book prices in the book market, and also due to printing costs charged by our printers who print millions of books annually. The Author accepts accordingly that the Publisher reserves the right to adjust minimum book retail prices accordingly for new and previously published books. The Author accepts that book prices in the book industry are ‘recommended retail prices’ for all publishers. This means that booksellers such as Amazon and others may offer lower retail prices for customers than the author sets. The will not affect the royalty the author will receive that they set during the publishing process, and is standard practice in the industry, as booksellers try to offer the most competitive sales prices for books in the market place, including for bestselling authors such as Dan Brown, JK Rowling, etc, by offering lower (or sometimes higher) sales prices than recommended retail price for books.
Overseas sales may be subject to overseas taxes and currency conversion changes, and the Author accepts this may be reflected in the Author’s Royalties for overseas sales. The Author’s oversea royalties may be affected by economic conditions in overseas countries. For example, but not limited to, changes in currency conversion rates, different printing costs overseas, overseas taxes on books, or due to other economic or market conditions such as recessionary influences, or other reasons which affect countries economies and retail prices for books accordingly. When setting overseas sales prices, we set retail prices which are, in our opinion, reasonable for the overseas market. For example, an Author may set a price for their book which is reasonably priced in their currency. If this price were converted straight to another country’s currency it might be overpriced in the other currency depending on the market norms in that other country, and result in fewer sales due to this in the other country. We therefore set reasonable market prices, and this may result in differing royalties for overseas sales, including because of differing factors such as different overseas printing costs. For all countries where we have set royalties, our royalty rates are above the norm to the Author’s advantage. We pay higher royalties than the other largest print on demand publishers.
The Publisher’s aim is to balance good royalties for the Author as above with a good book price for readers to encourage sales.
9. Royalty Payment Periods and Payment Process
The Publisher will pay royalties to authors twice annually. The Publisher will provide royalty statements online on our Site, and pay royalties online to Authors in Payment Period 1: which is payment by the 4th week of April annually; and Payment Period 2: which is payment by the 4th week of October annually. For Payment Period 1, payments for bookseller distribution sales are made on sales for the six months leading up to the end of the previous December, and for Payment Period 2 payments for bookseller distribution sales are made on sales for the six months leading up to the end of the preceding June. This is because royalties from copies sold through booksellers are paid by the booksellers to our printers 90 days in arrears. For example, sales of a book in December are paid by booksellers to our printers after 90 days in April, and payments from January to March are similarly received by the printers 90 days after these periods.
The Author will be able to view their private Royalty Statement online as above by logging on to and clicking on the button to view their royalties on their Author Account page. The Author accepts that the Publisher cannot enter into any correspondence re royalties beyond the royalty information provided on site. This is because the royalty information is automatically extracted from sales information provided by our printers, who are one of the world’s largest print-on-demand providers and print millions of books annually. The Author accepts that we only provide royalty information via the Author’s account page on FeedARead which the Author should become familiar with for the purpose of viewing their royalty payments. We do not provide royalty information by any other forms of correspondence.
The Author accepts that their royalty payments will be in the form of payment via Paypal only and that the Author must have an operating Paypal account to accept payment. Paypal is one of the world’s largest online ecommerce providers used by millions and is owned by eBay. The Author accepts that should there be an issue with their Paypal account then this is an issue for the Author solely to resolve, as Paypal are a separate organization from the Publisher. As the Publisher system pays solely through Paypal, no other method will be used to make royalty payments beyond payment being made via Paypal as agreed by the Author in this agreement before publishing. The Author accepts that the Publisher will only be able to make payment to authors who have an operating Paypal account that can accept payment, and that no correspondence can be entered into if the Author has any issues with the ability of their Paypal account to accept payment. The Author accepts that we will not be at default, including financially, if the Author has such an issue. This is because the Author was informed of the requirement for the Author having a functional Paypal account that can receive payments before publishing; and as Paypal are a separate organization from the Publisher. Paypal charge a small processing fee for transactions which is deducted from the royalty payment sent to the recipient as a transaction cost, in order that the payment can be sent to the Author. Transaction fees can be viewed on the Paypal website. The Author accepts that s/he will pay this Paypal processing fee in order to receive their royalty payment. Royalty payments may sometimes take place 7-14 working days after the payment dates specified above, depending on the volume of payments to be made to Authors, and depending upon the Publishers receiving due payments from booksellers.
Our printers print millions of books annually and sales figures for books are taken directly from our printers accounting of the number of copies sold of books to us. The Author accepts that royalty statements and other accountings displayed to you, for example on your royalty statement page on your user account on the Site will be conclusive, final and binding, and no further correspondence can be entered into beyond the royalty information provided to the Author on their site account page.
If an Author cancels their book, or the bookseller distribution of their book, the Author accepts that royalty payments will only be made as per the above twice annual payment periods, including after cancellation and as per the payment methods and agreement payment processes above.
10. Book Distribution Service
For authors who choose to distribute their book for sale through booksellers, the Author agrees to pay the applicable fee listed on site for the Publisher to: assign an ISBN number to the Author’s book; and to make their book available to order as a print-on-demand paperback book through the ordering service of major online book retailers; and through the ordering departments of major high street book stores. Print-on-demand (POD) is the publishing process by which a copy of a book is created and printed by the printers usually only when an order from a customer through a book retailer is received. Print-on-demand book Authors typically receive considerably higher royalties than books printed by other commercial publishers, which is generally because print-on-demand publishers do not need to keep stocks of books.
Our printers are one of the world’s largest print-on-demand (POD) printers, and they print millions of books annually and supply details of book to the bookseller chain, including booksellers and book wholesalers. For all POD books, including the largest POD providers, market forces can dictate a book’s availability. For example, after a book has been in the marketplace for some considerable time some booksellers may list some books and not others, and some booksellers may have shorter ordering times for some books over other books. This is often dependent on the consideration of booksellers and wholesalers as to whether a book is a good seller, and how readily they wish to ensure a book’s availability accordingly, or due to their own display policies. The Author accepts that these marketplace practices are common to the POD industry and that our printers will supply their book details to the book chain in the same way as it does for all its thousands of published books. As our printers are the world’s largest print on demand printer this usually results in the widest possible availability at booksellers and retailers for print on demand books. Our printers are part of the Ingram Book Company, the largest book wholesale distributor in the world, who offer immediate access to more than two million titles and are the preferred wholesale provider for more than 71,000 retail and library customers globally, and they operate in 100 countries around the world. They also have an alliance with many of the world’s other largest wholesalers through which the world’s booksellers order, for example, Bertram’s, Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and they supply direct to Amazon. Our printers are the world’s largest print on demand printers, and this usually results in the widest possible availability at booksellers and retailers for print on demand books as mentioned, the Author accepts that, including due to booksellers marketplace practices, that marketplace considerations as outlined above exist – for example, a bookseller’s consideration of a book’s sales potential over time as above - and that neither we as Publisher, nor our Printers, can influence and are not responsible in any way for ensuring how any individual wholesaler or retailer, as separate organizations, will display any particular book over a period of time with regard to choosing whether to display the book online, whether they chooses to show as “in stock” depending on individual wholesalers and retailers practices, how they choose to display the book’s details of cover or other details, or the terms of its availability over the course of time. The Author accepts that our printers, one of the world’s largest printers for print-on-demand, may have stronger channel partner relationships with some booksellers, retailers or wholesalers; or not have channel partner relationships with some booksellers or retailers; or that their bookseller partners may alter; and this may influence book display details and elements at booksellers as outlined in this paragraph, and that we as Publisher are not responsible for any omissions of books, book details, and book availability by sellers of books, nor are we liable to any financial compensation or refunds to the Author, as a result. Our printer’s distribution partners are currently as follows, which includes some of the world’s largest booksellers and wholesalers. If there is a particular retailer that the Author wishes to check that their book will be orderable from, they can first check before publishing whether the retailer has arrangements which mean they can order from the relevant distribution partners below. The retailer or author can also, if they wish, instead order books direct from FeedARead to fulfill any particular order requirement.
• Ingram
• Baker & Taylor
• Barnes & Noble
• Espresso Book Machine
• Bertram’s
• Blackwell
• Book Depository
• Coutts
• Gardners
• Mallory International
• Paperback Shop
• Eden Interactive Ltd.
• Aphrohead
• I.B.S - STL U.K
The opening of our printer’s Australian printing location also broadens the reach of the publishers that work with our printers to a comprehensive network of bookstores, libraries, and online retailers around the world. As an example of what it brings to the market, at launch, over 1.3 million titles from more than 400 worldwide publishers will be available to Australian consumers through leading book retailers and library suppliers, including, Emporium Books Online, Dennis Jones & Associates, ALS Library Services, James Bennett, and DA Information Services.
Books will be delivered to customers according to the delivery policies of individual book retailers, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, WH Smith and Waterstones. Booksellers usually order through the major industry wholesalers, such as Gardners, Nielsen or Ingrams, and these orders will be fulfilled directly between the wholesalers and our printers. The Author accepts that we as Publisher are not party to orders between wholesalers and our printers. This is because although we are the Publisher, we, like other POD publishers, are not party to the supply agreement and delivery and other arrangements between our printers and wholesalers and individual orders between them for order fulfillment. Our printers manufacture and deliver book orders usually within 4 to 7 working days, or as listed on our delivery information pages on the site if different for overseas or other types of sales, and many larger booksellers display similar order times. However the author accepts that as booksellers are separate organizations the Publisher does not have responsibility for bookseller order time lines if booksellers display longer order time lines according to their own separate display policies. This may be due to, for example, if a bookseller is in the process of restocking a book, or updating supply information, or, other reason related to the retailer’s separate order and display policies - and that we can take no action on this beyond having already made the book available to order. This is because each bookseller is a separate organization and we do not control their display and inventory policies and availability times for online and offline sales. This applies to all publishers in the book marketplace. The Author accepts that we are not liable to any financial compensation to the Author, as a result of any issues as listed above in this paragraph. The Author accepts that any delay for a customer order made by a bookseller or retailer made by a bookseller through a wholesaler - and not the Publisher - should be taken up by the Author or their agent with the wholesaler and not the Publisher accordingly. This should be done by the person who orders the book or Author querying the bookseller directly as to which wholesaler they ordered the book from. For example, large and well established wholesalers such as Gardners and Nielsen may be contacted by email and phone numbers on their websites. This agreement clause is for practical reasons, our printers print millions of books annually, usually within a very reliable time schedule, but POD publishers are not party to their arrangements, contracts and order processes between the printers and book retailers and wholesalers for orders between them, and therefore the person who orders the book or Author should resolve this directly with the bookseller or retailer, who will in turn take this up with the wholesaler they ordered from.
The Publisher will take all normal steps to provide distribution information through book distribution channels, including Nielsen book data, so that booksellers can order copies. Our printers undertake the supply of book information to the industry for our books. The Author accepts that the Distribution Service fee, for those who choose to distribute their book to booksellers, is for book distribution to booksellers via our printers, but does not cover a checking service on, for example, the thousands of external book suppliers and individual arrangements they organize, e.g., whether a bookseller or wholesaler has warehoused books, are keeping returns of books for sale, or the information they provide on a book’s availability, or which sales were made through individual booksellers or retailers. Such instances should be queried by the Author themselves with individual booksellers or vendors if they wish to look into these details. When a book is first published, booksellers may often add full details of the book gradually to their site, usually over 3 to 6 weeks according to their book display processes. For example, they may be first add the book title and author details, then the synopsis later during this period, then the cover after during this period, etc. Often the period that booksellers list for delivery is longer during this initial period while the bookseller is adding the book to their inventory systems. These are by their own processes which we as publisher are not party to as a separate organization. The Author accepts we cannot advise further on the above. If an Author wishes to add further book details to a bookseller site via additional functions that the bookseller site enables, for example, Amazon’s Search Inside A Book function, or their Author page function which enables the author to list a biography, picture, and details of all their books on one page, then this is the author’s right and also responsibility to do themselves via Amazon’s Author Central functions which enables authors to add additional details.
11. Submission of Manuscripts
The Author accepts that the Publisher reserves the right not to publish books that do not meet the book submission guidelines outlined during the publishing process on site, or which we consider are not appropriate for publishing, for example because we believe they may infringe copyright. The author is responsible for all facets of their layout in the book they submit to the publisher, including grammar, text layout, spelling, and all word processing and other computer produced layout including cover images and text that the Author chooses to include in their documents and in the Book the Author submits to the site for publishing. The Author can view a PDF print-ready proof of their book manuscript before publication online for free, provided by FeedARead, so the Author can see that their book will appear in print exactly as intended with regard to the fonts and layout of text that the Author has used. It is the Author’s responsibility to make sure they thoroughly check, and approve, their PDF before publication. If the Author finds after publication an aspect of their book that they are not happy with, due to an error the Author made - for example, but not limited to, spelling or layout or other issue - which was present in the print-ready PDF provided by FeedARead, which the Author can take the necessary time they require to check prior to publishing, then this is the Author’s responsibility and not the Publisher’s. The Author can submit a revision of their book if they wish according to the terms and any revision fee listed in this agreement. The Publisher is charged a revision fee by our printers who undertake the work to reprocess books if changed. Accordingly, we in turn charge for revisions if the Author wishes to change or amend anything at all in their book, whether it be a word or the complete book, as the printers complete the work of reprocessing the entire book and cover in these circumstances.
If the Author uploads his/her own book manuscript PDF to the site for publishing, it is the Author’s responsibility to check that their PDF is correct in its entirety with regard to the book manuscript the Author wants to be published. This is because the PDF uploaded is the one that will be used for final printing and publishing of the Author’s book. Accordingly, Authors should check that that their book manuscript and all the layout, formatting and all content within the PDF is exactly as they wish to print and publish.
The Author will also be able to view their cover online before publication so that they can check that they are satisfied before they publish during the publishing process online on FeedARead. It is the Author’s responsibility to make sure they check and approve their cover and all its elements and layout - including whether text and images are central or otherwise how the Author wishes these elements to appear on their cover - before publication. If the Author finds after publication an aspect of their book that they are not happy with which was present in their cover which they edited and submitted online before publishing, then this is the Author’s responsibility and not the Publisher’s and no correspondence can be entered into or monies refunded. The Author can submit a revision of their book if they wish however, according to the terms and the revision fee listed in this agreement. The Publishers receive a revision fee from our printers for reprocessing book covers and/or manuscripts, so we in turn charge for revisions if the Author wishes to change anything at all in their book.
All book covers include a ‘bleed area’ which is part of normal cover production standards in publishing. This is the printer’s safety margin when they trim a book for printing, which also avoids image issues, and the ‘bleed area’ is approximately 0.125 inch of an inch of each outer side of your cover. For example, a normal 5 inches wide by 8 inches high book will have .0125 inch added to each outer side of the cover. This will be added by our system if you are uploading your own single cover images, e.g. our system will stretch your front, back, and spine images to include a bleed area. Or the bleed area will be otherwise included in the cover if you choose one of our cover templates. You always see the actual cover that will be published before you publish on the FeedARead site so that you know how your cover will appear when published. A bleed area should also be included by you or your designer if you are uploading an all-in-one cover (an all-in-one cover is the front, back and spine of a cover in one image file). When you upload images on FeedARead, you will see the area of the cover that will actually be printed as your book cover inside a red dotted lined onscreen. The area outside of the red dotted line is the bleed area outlined above. It is the Author and/or cover designer’s responsibility to check thoroughly and approve their cover by viewing this display. If the Author finds after publication an aspect of their book cover that they are not happy with which was present in their cover which they submitted and viewed and approved online before publishing then this is the Author’s responsibility and not the Publisher’s and no correspondence can be entered into or monies refunded. The Author can submit a revision of their book if they wish however, according to the terms and the revision fee listed on the site to do so. The Publishers receive a revision fee from our printers for reprocessing book covers and/or manuscripts, so we in turn charge for revisions if the Author wishes to change anything at all in their book.
Occasionally, a few mm’s of the bleed area may be included in printed copies of the book cover, and you accept this is within the printer’s normal tolerance margins for printing, and no financial recompense is due for such copies. This is why our submission instructions for cover images on the Site during the cover preparation steps should be followed with regard to borders and cover colors. Our printers print millions of books annually, and as part of this process approx .0125 inch of the outer sides of a full cover (front, back and spine) uploaded by you or your designer as an all-in-one cover, or uploaded as single images of front cover, back cover, and spine, will not appear on the final printed cover as outlined above, and as standard printing practice. If you or your cover designer submit an all-in-one cover which is not correct in size then this is your responsibility and no refunds will be applicable.
Book prices are not added by us to our books, including the back covers of books, in our publishing system. This is because print-on-demand books are stored digitally, most POD books are sold online, and it means the author avoids revision costs as book prices change over time, as if the back cover were changed this would require a printer processing fee. Our printers, who print hundreds of thousands of books annually, have recommended not adding book prices given the above factors. Many book stores, should they actually stock a book, will add pricing to back covers where there isn’t a price listed, for example, by sticker-pricing, if required, and the majority of print-on-demand books are sold online as above, and retailers will display the book price on their websites. You can add a cover price to your back cover if you wish during the publishing process - in the cover image upload/cover text addition stage part of the process. This should however match the retail price you set for your book in the part of the publishing process where you set your bookseller distribution recommended retail price. If you add a book price to your back cover and you wish to change the price later, then this will incur you a revision fee as listed on the Site for book revisions, as well as the terms for revisions applying as outlined below. Similarly, if you add a book price to your back cover, and we change our book prices, for example because of changes to printing costs or retail price norms or other considerations over time, then this would similarly require you paying a revision fee to amend your back cover price, and you submitting a new revised version of your book with a new back cover, as well as the terms for revisions applying as applying as outlined below. If you add a book price to your book cover during the cover creation stage which is not the same as the book price you set for your book in the publishing step where you decide on the retail price on your book, then this will mean that you will have to submit a book revision so that both prices are the same, and a revision charge will apply as listed on the Site when submitting your book revision via your Author Account page, as well as the terms for revisions applying as outlined below.
Books are printed on crème paper with a laminate gloss for the cover. We will add an ISBN and barcode to the back cover for you.
The Publisher agrees to publish the text of the Book that we receive in its entirety. The Author agrees that the Publisher is not responsible for any errors the Author may have made upon submission in their Book. The Author must ensure their files meet the guidelines supplied online during the publishing process in order for their book to be published. Our printers reserve the right to adjust a book to make it possible for them to print; this includes the printer’s adding a blank page and barcode on the back of the blank page. For example, a 223 page book may thus become a 226 page book as the printers need a full blank page in order to add their barcode on the back of the blank page. Similarly, if a book has an even number of pages in it has any text including a page number on the last page the printers add a blank page to enable their printing.
If the Author wishes to revise their book interior or cover after their book has been published, including adding or adjusting book price, the Author will be responsible for submitting their book interior and cover according to the FeedARead site’s submission requirements, and paying any applicable revision fee listed on site. This is so that their revision can be processed and printed, and these files will be submitted directly to our printers for processing.
Revision fees for books after they have already been submitted for publishing are as follows:
For books already submitted for publishing, or published, but not yet distributed to booksellers, the revision fee if the author wishes to revise their book is: £29 if a UK member; $49 US dollars if a US member; $49 Australian dollars if an Australian member; 34 Euros if a Euro Zone member; $49 Canadian dollars if a Canadian member, and £29 UK for other nationalities. These fees may change due to changes by our printers for their prices, or other charges or changes, including currency conversion rate changes which may necessitate pricing changes.
For books already submitted for publishing, or published, and already distributed to booksellers, the printers charge more for revisions. The fee if the author wishes to revise the book is, according to nationality:
- £49 if a UK member for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted;
- $79 US dollars if a US member for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted;
- $79 Australian dollars if a Australian member for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted;
- $79 Canadian dollars if a Canadian member for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted;
- 59 Euros if a Euro zone member for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted
- £49 UK Sterling for other nationalities if not covered above for a book interior (manuscript) revision and the same additional fee if a cover revision is required. A book cover revision will also be required if the book manuscript page count changes by more than four as the book cover spine will need to be adjusted
If book interiors and/or book cover revisions are not submitted according to the submission requirements on the Publisher site this is the sole responsibility of the Author. A refund for the revision(s) will not be applicable if the revision(s) have been processed and do not pass production due to the Author not meeting submission requirements outlined on the site before they submitted their book. Furthermore, if a book revision does not pass production because the Author has not submitted it correctly, as per the submission requirements on site, this will mean that the book may not be available to print in any format until book files are provided by the Author through the FeedARead online publishing process that meet the correct submission requirements on site for publication. The Author accepts that this is their responsibility, and not the Publisher’s if a book interior and/or cover files, and/or other submission details are provided by the Author which does not meet the submission requirements outlined on the site during the publishing process. The Author also accepts that choosing to publish a revision of their book when distributed will mean that a new ISBN version of their book is available at booksellers. The Author accepts that the Publisher will inform booksellers through its printers that any older and different ISBN version of a revised book is cancelled and accepts that the Publisher is not responsible for online and other retailers continuing to display older versions of a book on their own sites. This is because other booksellers, retailers and other vendors are separate organizations from the Publisher. For example, a bookseller may have bought copies of a previous version of a book, and as such those book copies are owned by the bookseller for sale. They may continue to display the book accordingly on their book site, or otherwise continue to display the book due to their own separate display policies and systems. The Author accepts the Publishers are not privy to other bookseller’s stock lines e.g. whether they hold stock or how many copies if so, or when they will next order copies. The Author should query this themselves with booksellers should they wish to. Any issues with regard to removing book display listings for previous book versions should be taken up by the Author (as the copyright holder) with the bookseller in order to resolve any issues if any bookseller or retailer has not removed a cancelled book or older version of a book. The Author must accept that this is their responsibility, and not the responsibility of the Publisher. The above examples and instances are how bookseller processes can operate as separate organizations from the Publisher. The Author accepts booksellers and retailers are completely separate organizations from the Publisher, as to whether any bookseller or retailer continues to display a cancelled book or older version of a book, and we cannot enter into any correspondence on this issue accordingly. When a book revision is successfully processed, the Publisher will ensure that the new ISBN version of a book has been sent to the book chain via our printers, which we do as a matter of course when a book is successfully revised for books that use our book distribution service.
The Publisher cannot enter into further correspondence re these processes as outlined in this agreement.
Book revisions typically take 2 to 4 weeks once a book interior and/or cover revision has been submitted correctly to the Publisher by the Author. The Author accepts that this is an aim and not a guarantee, as unpredictable events may affect the timeline, and failure to meet this deadline does not constitute a breach of this Agreement. It is of the utmost importance that before arranging book publicity, including book signing publicity, that the Author should first ensure that their book or any revision of their book is available to print and order, and that the Author has checked and is satisfied with the published book, before arranging any publicity or book signings. It is the Author’s responsibility to ensure that they have first received and checked a book or book order before arranging an event or to meet a publicity deadline, rather than the Publisher's responsibility to meet a deadline the author has arranged if not within our publishing and delivery timelines and terms and conditions as outlined in our publishing agreement and on the site. To avoid any issues and rushing, Authors should always arrange events after your book has been completed and you are satisfied with the final book. Authors should also, as a precaution, always allow at least 7 to 10 working days on top of the processing and delivery times listed on the site from your order to receiving the copies. If you are ordering from outside the UK, US or Australia, you should allow for extra overseas delivery time in addition to the usual book processing and delivery timelines as outlined on the site when you order, or when anyone else orders. Though processing and delivery timelines displayed for your order on the site will usually take the time as listed on the site, allowing this extra time will ensure your book signing or any other event is the enjoyable occasion it should be. Our printers print hundreds of thousands of books annually, but you accept that we are not responsible, including financially, if you do not allow an extra safety margin for unexpected delays in processing and delivery as outlined above, due to unpredictable events which can occur in processing and delivery of books. You accept that we as Publishers have no control over, and are not responsible, including financially, for any delays caused by Acts of God or other unpredictable events. Click here to view feedback from our authors or view feedback from our authors via the homepage about our very high normal standards of timeliness and production.
12. Copies to the British Library
As part of a legal obligation, the Author agrees to submit one printed copy of their book, at their own cost, to the British Library at the address below. This can be done by ordering a copy through the FeedARead site via the Author’s Account page on site. The Author also agree to supply a single copy to each of the other national libraries and holdings, if formally requested, these are Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford, Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, the Library of Trinity College, Dublin and the National Library of Wales. These libraries are entitled to request a free copy within one year of publication, though this doesn’t occur often for POD.
Legal Deposit Office
The British Library
Boston Spa
West Yorkshire
LS23 7BY
The British Library is one of the UK’s great institutions.
13. Publisher Transferal or Bankruptcy
The Author understands that the Publisher may at any time sell its business, and that all current contracts and licenses would be transferred to the new owner. If the Publisher liquidates its business or is legally judged bankrupt, this Agreement shall be terminated immediately. The Publisher will only be responsible for any unpaid royalties due to the Author and no other payments.
14. Termination by Publisher
The Publisher may terminate publication of the Book and its display immediately without giving notice, upon receiving information of an actual or potential breach of copyright, or information of any other liability claim relating to the Book. A refund for distribution payment or other payment, for example for a paid cover, will not be applicable if there has been a breach of copyright of another party.
15. Publishing Submissions
Publishing submissions of your Books must be submitted electronically via the FeedARead publishing upload process on site. We do not accept submissions by any other means. Correspondence will be sent by the Publisher through the FeedARead site to the email address provided by the Author on the FeedARead website when uploading their book. The Author accepts responsibility for updating their email address if it changes, they should update their email address on their Author Account page on FeedARead, and the Author accepts that this is not the responsibility of the Publisher. The Author accepts that any mail sent by the Publisher will be to the email address they have provided when they joined or updated via their Author Account page on FeedARead, and correspondence for all book matters sent by the Publisher will be to that email address, and considered as sent and received by the Author. The Author accepts that the Publisher is not responsible for any email sent but not received by the Author to the email address listed by the Author on FeedARead. For example, due to the failure of your email provider, or by your email provider not forwarding the email to you, or by the email being sent to your spam folder of your email account, or by your not updating your email account if you no longer use the email account you have added to FeedARead upon registration, and have not updated a new email address on your account page on FeedARead. The Author should enable email to be received from FeedARead by their email service, and this is the Author’s responsibility if the Author has a mail filtering service. The Author should also check the FeedARead site regularly for updates, for example, in case the Author’s mail service filters any mail from FeedARead and does not send it the Author, which the Author accepts, is not in our control as we do not control the Author’s mail service.
16. Submission Acceptance
Once a submission of Work has been submitted to us and the Author notified of its acceptance, the Author accepts that we will begin production of their Work for publishing setup. The Author accepts that as we offer a free publishing set-up process for the initial set-up of a book for publishing that we reserve the right not to publish books, for example if there are issues with a book meeting the correct submission requirements which are outlined on the site for publishing, or issues of a book meeting the correct submission requirements for publishing of book revisions.
17. Title Maintenance
It is free to list your book for sale directly through FeedARead. For Authors who also choose to make their book available for sale through booksellers through the Bookseller Distribution Service, the Author must pay to the Publisher an annual distribution to keep their book available to buy with booksellers and distributors. The annual fee is based on current charges and administration charges incurred by the Publisher to display books on bookseller websites and catalogues.
The annual distribution renewal fee is as follows; you only pay one fee annually depending on your nationality, and can cancel at any point if you do not wish to keep your book in bookseller distribution:
UK members - £9.75; US members - $14; Australian members - $20; Euro members – 10 Euros
The annual distribution fee is payable by the Author via the Publisher site as follows if your book is in distribution:
If you first published your book between January 1st and June 30th then your annual distribution fee payment is due by November 15th that year to keep your book in distribution for the next 12 months.
If you first published your book between July 1st and December 31st inclusive then your annual distribution fee payment is due by May 31st the following year to keep your book in distribution for the next 12 months.
The annual fee is based on current charges and administration charges incurred by the Publisher to display books on bookseller websites and catalogues, and may be subject to reasonable change in the future at the Publisher’s discretion. For example, if charges we receive for distribution change, in which case authors will be informed prior to the change and can choose whether they wish to continue bookseller distribution under the new terms, no refunds will be given for previous years. The Author is liable for the fee annually if the Author wishes to continue to have his or her Work displayed on bookseller catalogues and websites subject to the workings and display policies of booksellers and retailers as outlined in this agreement. The Author royalty renewal fee should be paid annually by the Author through the FeedARead site unless the Author decides to cancel their bookseller distribution via their Author Account page on FeedARead. It is the Author’s responsibility to cancel their book via their Author Account page, and no refunds will be given if the Author decides to cancel part way through a year for which they have paid annual distribution. This is because the Publisher does not receive part-refunds from the printers for distribution payments the Publisher has made for books cancelled part way through a distribution period. No refunds for previous book distribution fees will be paid by the Publisher to the Author for books in print if the Author chooses not to continue to distribute their book to booksellers. The Publisher is not responsible if the Author’s book is not made available in distribution channels as a result of payment not being able to be taken by the system from the Author for annual distribution fees, nor is the Publisher responsible for any additional issues including financial issues that the Author incurs as a result of this. The Author is responsible for continuing to ensure that their payment method is current, and that they can make payments to keep their book in distribution if they wish their book to be kept in distribution via their FeedARead Author Account page accordingly.
18. Your FeedARead Membership & Publishing Account
The author accepts that he or she is responsible for submitting their Work to the required submission guidelines displayed on the site. The Author accepts that as a site which enables free publishing set-up, we provide answers to questions in the form of the information provided in our online submission instructions and requirements, and in our frequently asked questions section which cover the necessary aspects of the Site’s processes and publishing processes. The Author accepts that the site is one which enables Authors to self-publish and manage their own books, and if the Author is not clear or does not accept any part of this process then they should not use the Site or its services. The Site provides information on using its processes on Authors Account pages, and other pages, for example, enabling the Author to view their royalty payment accounts, and these pages also give the Author information on how to change their Author details, how to submit revisions, etc. The Author accepts that they are responsible for familiarizing themselves with their account functions on their Author Account page on the Site, and should only use the correct methods outlined on the site and their Author Account page to contact the Site or to make changes to their book where there is a function for them to do so. For example, viewing royalty payments from the function provided on their Author Account page, or the function for the Author to submit a revision via their Author Account page.
The Author accepts that they must use these functions where applicable to use or contact the site, as we cannot correspond or work by other means with the Author if a correct function is not used on their Author Account page. For example, to submit a revision which can be completed via the Author Account page. The Author accepts that as we offer free publishing set-up of books in order to publish, that he or she should view the site’s frequently asked questions on their Author Account page, or view the publishing steps on the Site which display publishing guidelines and comprehensively encompass the necessary information required in order to publish and for Authors to manage their books on Site. The Author accepts that the FeedARead site requires Authors to use its functions as provided on site in order to offer its publishing service, and accepts that we are an enabling site to help authors publish and manage their book publishing and sales, and that the Author is responsible for managing their own books through their Author Account pages, and through the tools and information provided on these pages in order to do so. The Author accepts we cannot provide assistance where these online tools, and the comprehensive information on the Author’s Account page, cover all the necessary tools for Authors to manage their books and sales. FeedARead is an enabling site to enable authors to manage their own books, and we endeavor to make Site functions and Site use as clear and straightforward as possible as part of this process.
19. Publisher Development
The Publisher reserves the right to amend this agreement as required to meet changing publishing conditions, or improve the site further, and the Author agrees to accept any amended terms and conditions if they wish to continue using the Publisher’s services and Site.
20. Agreement Acceptance
By submitting your book for publication you state that you have read and agree to all its terms and conditions in this publishing agreement, in the same manner as if you had manually signed the agreement. We may ask for, and you consent to provide, a signed, printed copy of the agreement if required.
This legal notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Disputes arising in connection with this legal notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Click on the Go button next to your book title on your My Books page to return to the Apply for Distribution Package page.