Paid Option - Publish via Major Booksellers

Top Sales Channel Distribution for your book – Our full distribution service ensures your book is available via major online outlets in the US, UK, and Europe such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Waterstones and for high street bookshops to order. Our printers also now print in the large Australian book market.
Top Sales Channel Distribution – your book available via major online outlets such as Amazon US, UK and Europe, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones UK and many other retailers.
This ensures the best market exposure for your book for your book for, depending on your currency, a distribution package price of only £88 or $US140, €125, $AU175.
The publishing steps are simple to complete and you receive very high royalties for your bookseller sales.
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Bookstore Quality Paperbacks

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Publish your book in 6 easy steps!

  1. Write, edit & format your book.
  2. Choose your book size.
  3. Enter your book details.
  4. Upload your book file.
  5. Create your book cover.
  6. Set price and submit.
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Your book is ready for print
within 14 days.
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"looks absolutely stunning - like a book in a store....."
Daniel Grant
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