2030's Woman

Two decades ahead of now, much will have changed in Southern England. Janet Strate, an ambitious young woman in her mid twenties is in the right place at the right time. With luck, innocence, naked ambition and a skillful publicity launch, she achieves swift promotion. Unknown to her, the programme she launches is designed to reveal a traitor, identified as the Cromwell Regional Council's Chief Officer. Whilst Central U.K. Government struggles to avoid return of the Planetary Peace Keeping Force, Janet is projected into an election campaign to replace the Regional Chief. Despite tight state security, men die protecting her, violence threatening the cavalcade in every town visited. She wins the election, moving into the main block of the protected Council staff village. Janet isn't convinced that repression is the way forward. As a determined single mother and the only remaining democratically elected officer of the Council, her first campaign is to challenge the genetically controlled birth policy separating children and mothers for the first six months of their lives. However, these and similar ambitions are swept aside by the threat of an internal terrorist takeover. Will Janet again survive death to defeat this latest attempt on her life?
ISBN: 9781785105425
Type: Paperback
Pages: 243
Published: 10 February 2015
Price: $12.65

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