A Taxing Affair

My life should be straightforward. My famous, high profile and wealthy clients include a celebrated offensive comedian and a multinational coffee chain. My job is to help them keep as much of their earnings as possible by minimising their tax bills. In the good old days this was easy – I made lots of fees and no-one cared as long as the country was solvent. Times have changed and life has become far more complicated. My clients still want to keep their income from the taxman but our country needs the money. Tax avoidance has become an emotive topic and I am increasingly disillusioned with my role in helping these modern day robbers. As their tax schemes are ever more artificial and immoral, I have begun to scheme and plot against the worst offenders with a view to making them pay a high price for their greed. To make matters more difficult for me, the HMRC inspector that I used to deal with has died. The cosy arrangements that I had with him are now under much greater scrutiny from the young, enthusiastic and energetic Ms Amy Jones. What price will I have to pay to make my clients cough up, help save the country’s finances, keep my career and maintain my domestic bliss? A Taxing Affair is a funny and light-hearted modern day romp through the unlikely world of tax and relationships, where the preposterous is perfectly normal.
ISBN: 9781784077136
Type: Paperback
Pages: 225
Published: 20 May 2014
Price: $12.89

Book Extract

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