Anna: Little Tokyo Chapter
Set in the year 2041 in the new found city of Little Tokyo, two years after the events of New Los Angeles, this story follows the tale of General Kiyomi Sasaki. Shipped out to war as the Arlington Virus ravaged the world, a destructive virus that nearly eliminated humanity back in 2021. General Kiyomi Sasaki managed to survive against all odds against the civil resistance and the killer virus, to begin a new life in the mountains. When that life is interrupted, Kiyomi is kidnapped and forced into the newly created city of Little Tokyo, where humans live alongside a new race of synthetic humans named Anna. Kidnapped so her superior combat skill can used as a weapon. In 2036 five years later she is locked away inside Little Tokyo maximum correctional facility to serve a life sentence. After five years of captivity, Kiyomi makes a daring escape only to be heavily injured. Being saved by a Doctor and his blind young daughter. Kiyomi begins her own personal vendetta to take revenge on the people who locked her up in the first place. Yet there is more questions she constantly finds herself asking, who is this doctor? What happened to his daughter? What is their connection to the people she wants dead? After things go drastically wrong, Kiyomi Sasaki, a self centred, uncaring woman finds herself in a beginning to form new relationships with the family. This is a cat and mouse tale of one woman's revenge against a city she despised and its citizens all whilst being chased by an insane synthetic that has a unhealthy obsession with her. Will she make it to the end? What is with this weird family that saved her? Who is this crazy machine that stalks her to the end of the earth? A gruesome tale of survival in a new world order that's turning mad, this is Anna: The Little Tokyo Chapter
ISBN: 9781786978677
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 232
Published: 23 June 2017
Price: $12.65
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