Bruce King and I

By Edlund Sofia E D and Edlund Sofia
Revealed! Sales Secrets so-called Gurus Don’t Want You to Know! Why You Should Never Waste Your Money On A Sales Guru Ever Again! Have you ever wondered what it takes to make crazy sales? This book chronicles my journey with a famous sales guru, Bruce King, my near success syndrome, and my final breakthrough. It is a must have if you are serious about making it in the world of sales and internet marketing. What I’m about to reveal in this book will stun you. This book will reveal why you have never experienced a windfall yet, despite the promises by marketing gurus to make you a millionaire overnight. You don’t have to stumble for the most part before making your next big sale. Find out why and how marketing gurus take you for a ride. Learn the secrets to selling any number of products you want with ease. In fact, after reading this book, you will know as much as the so called gurus when it comes to making sales.
ISBN: 9781785103452
Type: Paperback
Pages: 96
Published: 26 November 2014
Price: $13.21

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