Double-life Disc Jockey
Memoirs of a freelance part-time broadcaster who all the time had another existence in the real world. Tony started by playing records in a 1960s youth club, ran his own mobile disco, was elected social secretary of Oxford Polytechnic, worked on the UK's first quadraphonic disco, was the first DJ allowed to advertise in Country Life, had a weekly spot on Belgian national radio, made numerous jingles for BBC Radio London and co-presented a pop music show on Belgian TV. Once he accidentally negotiated a fee ten times bigger than he wanted for a voiceover in Flemish advertising jeans. He went on to produce corporate videos for Barclays and films about bicycle history. Today he takes part in current affairs discussions on Radio Oxford.
ISBN: 9781788762960
Type: Paperback
Pages: 126
Published: 21 August 2018
Price: $10.25