Good Is Bad

Good Is Bad is a provocative, candid, introspective and humourous satire about the physical and moral filth in Naijaland. Inspector Odion, a police officer, must take bribes. However, Ola, the electoral officer has reservations about bribery and corruption. But who would the government and society support? The story explores life in Eko City (Lagos). It tries to present the culture and idiosyncrasies of the citizens of this hectic city. It is a tale of lust and love, darkness and light, and greed and sacrifice. This is a story of tortuous lives and even more wretched deaths. Ultimately, it shows the triumph of evil over good. It may make you laugh, but it will more easily make you despair.
ISBN: 9781908481115
Type: Paperback
Pages: 338
Published: 23 January 2012
Price: $14.50

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