Danny 'The Destroyer' Edwards, promising amateur boxer, was neither looking for nor wanting a girlfriend when he first laid his eyes on Natalie Edwards, the beautiful, seductive exotic dancer who stole his heart in an instant. A self-confessed ladies man out for a good time, in a split second he is smitten, transformed and head over heels in love.
Two brutal murders later he is seventeen years into a life sentence when he is visited out of the blue by Kate Marshall, a woman with an agenda of her own.
Expecting to be repulsed by this man depicted by the press as a cold, calculated killer, she is stunned and annoyed to discover how easily he is able to affect her, climbing under her skin like he belongs there, igniting a fire inside her she finds harder and harder to ignore as she falls hard and fast in love with this gorgeous, complicated and utterly dangerous man.
Will she be the one person who can get him to open up about the truth of what happened the night his wife lost her life, and what will the consequences be for everyone involved?
ISBN: 9781784071356
Type: Paperback
Pages: 319
Published: 5 November 2013
Price: $12.95
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