With Kafka as my companion, my support, my vehicle, always at my side, together with Willie, my Doppelganger and the greatest lover in the Universe, my autobiography resides in three States. It reflects the inhumanity and evil of the past, as in the German State, which I have spent a lifetime learning, the British State which describes the inhumanity and evil of the present, which I have experienced in my own life,and finally the Universal State which examines the sheer inhumanity and evil of the human condition itself in its timeless form. Through the use of realities and dream sequences travelling through time and space, together with original documents and the world of literature itself, I have found all this to be the best way to express my life as being the comedy of life without its humour, Perhaps Tramp and Pepe should have written it
ISBN: 9781781766248
Type: Paperback
Pages: 538
Published: 30 August 2012
Price: $14.95

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