Kimi's Fear
Kimi’s secret is out – her brain is the key to successful time travel - and a ruthless greylian bounty hunter will break every bone in her body to get at it. As if that isn’t bad enough, the best looking boy in the world turns into a cannibal intent on devouring every last bit of her. Sometimes life really does suck.
Can Kimi thwart the bounty hunter, kill the boy of her dreams to save her own life, tame her greatest fear and keep herself from becoming greylian toast? Not without help.
Tulpa Bentley returns with old favourites the famoose, Big Sue the giant with OCD, madcap mentor Stella, and chief of fuzz the monkey Rehd along with a whole host of new crazies in an adventure bigger and bolder than before.
“Kimi’s Fear is magical but dark, sad but romantic, and meaningful but bonkers all rolled into one.”
“Deep, profound, scary as hell, and all the makings of a classic.”
ISBN: 9781781769843
Type: Paperback
Pages: 241
Published: 30 November 2012
Price: $12.65
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