Loyalty has a price

“It is not what is forbidden in the City which is surprising, it is what is allowed.” Anon. So discovers a senior policeman investigating activities of a small group of members of an Investment Fund. They are proving that money can be manufactured by using specific skills. Whether it is morally or legally acceptable is not a concern for them. When Perry, the principal villain, persuades his assistant to analyse company accounts, she too is seduced by the prospect of extreme wealth. The price of her loyalty to her boss impacts on her marriage. Her concerns are aroused when Rupert, a 50 year old wealthy widower, points out that she is technically committing a crime. Linked into this conspiracy is Alfred, Perry’s father. Who having made his pile in business mostly in his native county of Yorkshire and made contributions to the party, is ennobled to the Lords. He acts as a Government adviser whilst also meeting his son regularly to talk business. He too becomes alarmed when he learns that Perry is using inside information to make money. The police investigation involves the financial establishment in the City of London, who in turn appoint a mole of their own. To maintain the secrecy of their activities, the central characters are loyal to each other, but in a surprising twist, their actions are spin out of their control.
ISBN: 9781786101426
Type: Paperback
Pages: 390
Published: 15 September 2015
Price: $12.95

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