Marriage on the Rock..s
MARRIAGE ON THE ROCK....S describes the intrigues and struggles that a young wife experiences when trying to live out her faith in the face of a failing marriage. It gives one a glimpse into a young mother’s struggles with her emotions and thought patterns during times of marital hardship and the subsequent application of God’s Word to the difficult circumstances.
It is a simple story of one young woman’s personal walk with God and the power of love in the face of an almost irreconcilable relationship.
The story is told in a South African setting, during the 70’s and 80’s. At the time when Christians were swept up in what was known as the ‘holiness movement’ and Pentecostalism. It is the story of one young mother’s struggle to re-ignite her estranged husband’s love for her and his children, through the power of prayer and faith in Jesus Christ.
ISBN: 9781785107351
Type: Paperback
Pages: 108
Published: 28 April 2015
Price: $10.25