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The legal position of parents and families in this country has changed dramatically in the last twenty years. This book aims to assist ministers and congregations who in the next few years, will need to explore their pastoral care of families and consider their approaches to some of the modern structures of family life.
The book contains a clear and accessible account of the modern legal structures of family life, together with the history of marriage and families, showing that these do not conform to a tidy stereotype, and that the attitude of the Church has changed over time. It examines Bible teaching on family life and structures, and consider how theological writers have subsequently interpreted these teachings. The authors then look at liturgies used for the significant moments of family life, and how far these meet the spiritual and pastoral needs of today’s families to strengthen and support loving, stable relationships.
The authors are a distinguished biblical scholar and an experienced family lawyer, who is also an Anglican Reader. They have combined their knowledge of law and biblical study in an informative and thought-provoking book, for both clergy and laity.
ISBN: 9781782999874
Type: Paperback
Pages: 195
Published: 27 September 2013
Price: $12.89
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