The poems’ collection contains 28 poems in different subject, including family, love, friendship, hobby, religion, the world, mythology, and some other subjects. Some of the poems are fictional, however, some depicted true subjects, for examples: ‘The Colchester Castle Park’ is a real description of the tourists’ attraction, and ‘The Qixi Festival’ give real information about folklore celebration; the characters are fictional. ‘The Beginning of Times’ is a mythology depiction, and contains representation of Greek Mythology. The collection of poems about Jesus is well known too; however, the tourist character in the poem ‘Jesus’ is fictional. You will notice I have included the poetry’s forms for the poems, written using the Villanelle, Pantoum, Sestinas or Sonnet, the rest is free-style. There are rhyming sequence and repetitions, and some poems were arranged in a special structure.
ISBN: 9781786971418
Type: Paperback
Pages: 50
Published: 7 July 2016
Price: $6.49

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