Once Upon A Time...
Escape to the South of France with Kate, a bright young woman who embarks on the trip of a life time. Once Upon A Time follows Kate on her journey to mend a broken heart and to regain inspiration to pursue her dream to write a great book. Through an act of fate her path crosses with a handsome French widower who offers her love and a life that she could only dream of. She falls in love with his children and his gentle and warm nature. However, in real life, all fairytales must end at some point and the ending is not what we always hope it to be.
Once Upon A Time makes a perfect summer read that will inspire you and take you on a journey to explore themes such as love, loss and hope. This classic story will never go out of fashion as it appeals to all ages and anyone who is looking for inspiration. It makes the perfect read over a glass of wine on a quiet evening, when all is calm and you wish to escape to the sunny backdrop of the French countryside.
ISBN: 9781782991427
Type: Paperback
Pages: 226
Published: 30 January 2013
Price: $12.65