Victoire is a collector of sins and secrets - other people’s. Any means justify the end to seize power in Sainte Colombe, her native Languedoc village. But behind the domineering façade looms her terror of hereditary insanity, the loss of her beauty and the imminent capture of her delinquent son. As the elections approach her recklessness escalates. When she fails in her bid and takes her final, terrible revenge, it goes disastrously wrong - innocent people die. But she has underestimated her submissive, meak gardener Marco. Blackmailed by Victoire for years for a teenage misdemeanour, he knows he has to act to stop her trail of destruction, whatever the cost to himself.
ISBN: 9781786971357
Type: Paperback
Pages: 444
Published: 7 July 2016
Price: $14.45

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