Scotophobia - Fear Of The Dark

Twenty-year old Jess Tennant is scotophobic – afraid of the dark. How does she find herself in a cave, a twisted maze of darkness, fighting for survival? Jess meets charming Nick Rosanov at a party; she believes he could be her soul mate. When Nick invites her on a caving weekend, she accepts, daring fate for a chance at romance. She hopes the caving lights will be powerful enough that she can control her phobia. Nick’s friend Brent, an avid caver, will be joining them on the weekend, so Jess asks her flatmate Gabby along to even the numbers, and for moral support while caving. What Jess doesn’t know is the caves she will visit hold dark secrets. On the weekend Jess enters the caves, these secrets are exposed and a myriad of past wrongs will seek reconciliation. Jess will battle her scotophobia - her fear of the dark. She will also fight for her life, as she and her friends entangle in a web of evil and sinister mystery in which the caves, and now Jess, are perilously intertwined. In these caves, darkness is not all there is to fear. Pages: 229 Genre: Suspense/Mystery Target Audience : Adult. Contains some coarse language, sexual references and drug references.
ISBN: 9781786103802
Type: Paperback
Pages: 234
Published: 7 December 2015
Price: $12.65

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