Seasons of Change

Set in England and the south of France, Seasons of Change is a contemporary romance following the lives of four friends. Their stories interweave and are tinged with joy, humour, sadness and regrets. Chloe is struggling in a long-term relationship with a married man. Can she find the courage to end the relationship and move on? Sarah appears to have it all – she’s attractive, wealthy and an incorrigible flirt but will she ever be truly happy? What price is she prepared to pay to achieve ultimate happiness? Linda has only ever loved one man - her husband Mike, who died in an accident when she was pregnant with their daughter. Whilst excitedly preparing to become a grandmother, she is hit by a serious illness. How will her own daughter, Emma, react when faced with emotional turmoil? Sam is desperate to meet ‘Mr Right’. Her quest follows her experiences with dating agencies until she meets Dan. But is he really the right man for her? Whilst celebrating their fortieth birthdays in the south of France, Sarah is viciously attacked and left for dead. Is her attack the catalyst that causes her life, and eventually Chloe’s, to be changed irrevocably?
ISBN: 9781784079406
Type: Paperback
Pages: 314
Published: 21 August 2014
Price: $12.95

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