Sweet Singing in the Choir

Somewhere in the depths of the English countryside lies the River Puse. In the Puse Valley there are two churches which make up our parish. St Kevin’s is situated on the edge of the fairly busy market town of Much-Yorning-in-the-Puse, and is usually referred to simply as Much Yorning. In the adjoining village of Lesser-Yorning-in-the-Puse nestles the ancient church of St Jude. I hold the post of Organist of both churches. Some time ago, it occurred to me that it would be interesting, for future generations of worshippers to learn how things were done by their fore-fathers. And their fore-mothers. And their fore-vicars. So I started to keep a Sunday diary. And here it is.
ISBN: 9781788765558
Type: Paperback
Pages: 96
Published: 19 October 2018
Price: $6.54

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