The Black Cross

Welcome to the first entry of the Kallpa Universe! Carmen de la Cruz, the La Cruz Wines & Vineyards CEO, would've never imagined it'd come to this. After the death of her son, her life transitions from one full of hopes and dreams to that of despair and misery. As she loses everything, she also discovers a world hidden to her in plain sight. Trying to get her life back, she will stumble upon Nicolás Marqués, a teenager with whom she'll discover that hope still exists within a sea of melancholy. With his guidance, she'll find a new substance to her life. A path that will lead her to become the unstoppable Black Cross.
ISBN: 9781839453502
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 454
Published: 26 June 2020
Price: $23.99

Book Extract

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