The Constant Man

This tale roams over the years and continents between the 19th and 21st centuries and concerns a man who ceased to age beyond fifty. It might seem strange to hear someone fearing to live forever but, unrealised by the majority, there is a comforting certainty and a sometime envy for the normal three score years and ten. Something you reflect on as generations of loved ones, family and friends, predecease you. You inhabit a world, seeing it flourish, age, wither and die to find yourself facing a new life and a wave of new relationships. He is a man, normal in all other ways; normal aspirations, desires and love of life. For all he knows this may be the last time he worries about never ageing. Tomorrow, Nature might revert to its normal course. That though, is something he’s been anticipating since the 1920’s!
ISBN: 9781785105012
Type: Paperback
Pages: 204
Published: 3 February 2015
Price: $12.65

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