The Goddess of Freedom
A monstrous tyrant in his pomp.
A desperate suicide bid to kill him.
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, April 1937. Sara Solomon is a student of architecture, a gifted designer who should have a bright future ahead of her. But Sara is a Jew and, four years after the Nazis’ rise to power, life for Germany’s Jews is becoming daily more difficult.
Convinced that Hitler’s malice towards the Jews knows no bounds, Sara resolves to leave Germany for ever. But the tide of Jews desperate to emigrate is so great that normal channels seem closed to her. When she is offered a risky alternative that horrifies her family, she seizes it.
Only when set upon that dangerous course does Sara make a momentous discovery that brings her own life, and many others, to the devastating point that forms the climax of this remarkable story.
ISBN: 9781784075132
Type: Paperback
Pages: 299
Published: 18 March 2014
Price: $12.95