The Hunt

Sixteen year-old Nim spends hours and days playing the hunt on multiple screens in his bedroom. His mother, Samir, is convinced he is addicted. His father, Cush, a detective who works in the massive local government bureaucracy at the floating Krawczyk building, is more sympathetic. The Very Big Crash has marooned the family in an old mocky Tudor house in a lower suburbs estate terrorized by roving feral gangs of Europeans and a mysterious group of estate bombers. Samir is condemned to perpetual unemployment and whiles away her time reading reproductions of old books. Above them, in the floating upper suburbs, the privileged masses live in an illusory world, their happiness guaranteed by chips inserted at birth. While Cush tracks down a band of subversive free-thinkers, Nim and his friends are busy hunting down an elusive hunter, but beyond them all lies a bigger hunt and a much bigger prize...
ISBN: 9781786106650
Type: Paperback
Pages: 422
Published: 15 January 2016
Price: $14.45

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