The Necromancers

St Dynion’s University College. 1972. Rich young academic Marcus Ross believes that copulation is the most foolish thing that a wise man can do in his entire life. His bewitchingly beautiful student Sophie Davenport has other ideas. But is it his body she wants, or his money, or his soul ? Set against a chaotic nineteen seventies background of academic chicanery, political violence, sexual excess, casual death, unsettling psychic discovery, and the unrelenting intellectual conflict between reason and faith, this is the story of a young man whose doomed struggle to have a professional career independent of his wealth leads him to a destiny far removed from his expectations and, ultimately, beyond his wildest imagination. The dreams of death are eternal. Come and See
ISBN: 9781782995432
Type: Paperback
Pages: 502
Published: 5 July 2013
Price: $16.11

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