The Penrose Codices

Could a family vendetta survive for over five hundred years? It was something Anna Beaumont couldn’t believe, but if this were not the case, then why were members of her family being systematically killed over several generations? Nothing was ever removed from the scene, and no clue to the killer ever found. With her own life in danger, Anna needed people equipped with unique skills to unravel the mystery and these she found with help from her uncle, Robert Sinclair and his colleagues who, before retiring, specialised in historical and gemmological studies. Discovering a letter hidden in her grandfather’s old desk was the beginning of the revelations that were so important if Anna were to survive. It told of two codicils containing history faithfully recorded for over a thousand years, which could reduce a present powerful and wealthy dynasty to dust if ever the truth were revealed.
ISBN: 9781786976284
Type: Paperback
Pages: 314
Published: 14 January 2017
Price: $11.21

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