The Showie Boy
The Showie Boy is the Memoir of a Carnival boy travelling the showgrounds of Australia with his Showman parents during the years of The Great Depression
and WW2.
The freaks of Sideshow Alley, colourful Gypsys, Boxing Tents and all the excitement of the Carnivals were his everyday existence, attending school along the way with his ever protective older brother.
Then came WW2 and with it the opportunity to attend a tiny bush school and an education for which he had always yearned, his life along the way peppered with brutal soul-destroying discipline.
The series of stories are written in a funny, earthy, refreshingly direct style which traces his life with shocking and explicit detail, the people he meets along the way are both amusing and inspirational
ISBN: 9781786109743
Type: Paperback
Pages: 376
Published: 12 May 2016
Price: $12.95
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