The Unrespectable Woman

Leslie James needs to get her life together. Keeping off the booze would be a start. She can’t live on her wits forever, not at her age, and what she earns from the odd coupling in a back alley doesn’t keep the wolf from the door. Leslie needs to find a proper job. After all, this is Cardiff in 1907 and the city is booming. There are jobs around every corner. So why does she embark upon a vile trade that can only lead to tragedy? Hettie Mackenzie is a respected academic at Cardiff’s university college and a passionate crusader for women’s rights. Hettie and Leslie inhabit vastly different worlds. What could possibly bring them together? Harry and Tom have a family business that depends upon the darkest side of human behaviour for its existence. Will they have the last word in this story?
ISBN: 9781803027272
Type: Paperback
Pages: 282
Published: 18 January 2023
Price: $12.95

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