The Vril Codex

Discover the world of Vril Chronicles… Chilling nightmare horror in the dark bleak landscape of Berlin… In the first novel ever written about Vril and the Nazi’s, enter a strange subterranean world brought to life, as we enter the weird world of the immortal called Helena Hister… Vril is a force which to believers can heal or destroy beings and things. It is both a force for good or a force for evil and the cult that surrounds it will do anything to secure that power… For famous journalist Jane Wilkinson, a peaceful architectural assignment in Berlin is a chance for some much needed relaxation. Until she notices that something very sinister is happening... Until she is touched by an occult evil more terrifying than anything she has ever known. An evil that will engulf her and reach out remorselessly to her husband Bob as he is literally haunted by his wife after her mysterious death, and tries to discover her fate and what lies beneath the ancient legend of the VRIL CODEX… Part romance, part conspiracy thriller, involving Nazi‘s, the mysterious cults of the “Thule Society“, and the “Devils Bible“, supernatural forces and conspiracies combine, leading Bob and his companions into danger and a confrontation with the ancient Vril power… Real life conspiracy theories are combined with Norse myth and a fantasy world to bring you a controversial heart stopper thriller with a science fiction twist.
ISBN: 9781784071455
Type: Paperback
Pages: 208
Published: 5 November 2013
Price: $12.65