When will the laughter end?

Have you ever been depressed? I don't mean unhappy, I mean down the big black hole of depression, seeing no way out. There seems to be no reason for it. Have you ever thought of ending your life? Have you ever been diagnosed with a critical illness, thinking, that's it - that's my life over? Have you ever lost someone close to you and thought you would never be able to cope again? I have had all these, plus more to cope with and I know how hard it can be - how you can alienate friends and family and at times be a very nasty person. However, there is always hope and even if, in some cases, there's not, it's up to you to treasure every day of your life because once that day's gone, you won;t get it back again. I hope you read this book to see how I have overcome adversity and managed to carry on. I have a special ingredient, which stops me being that quivering wreck, in the corner. I hope my experiences help at least one person out there and allows them to enjoy life to the best of their ability. Don't look to the past or the future - live for today!!
ISBN: 9781786976154
Type: Paperback
Pages: 198
Published: 24 December 2016
Price: $11.95

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