Winning in Rocky Road Relationships
Tony and Bonnie's relationship endured many storms...from their survival of the press box crash at the Indy 500 to their struggle to hold onto their lives in an Arkansas tornado, but the whirlwind of separation wreaked the most damage on their lives. Their search for happiness in power, prestige, and possessions fed its winds. To support that search, Bonnie spent more and more hours at her job as a TV talk show host while Tony devoted more and more of himself to his company. Finally there wasn't anything left for each other.
When the storm winds had done their damage, they left behind only the splintered remains of the Libharts' relationship. That was when Bonnie called out to God-and He answered her cry.
Survival of SCREWUPS is a story of wreckage and rebuilding, but more than that it's a handbook you can use to look at your own priorities. The unique Analysis-Action sections at the end of each chapter give you a chance to see where your own present goals and priorities are-and a chance to set new ones.
ISBN: 9781782998358
Type: Paperback
Pages: 279
Published: 20 August 2013
Price: $11.29
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