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This Author's Books

This is the 2019 short story from Plymouth Writers Group, inside you'll find stories to touch you, move you and provoke your thoughts, as well as the winning stories from the Plymouth Writers Group 2018 short story competition.... Maybe some of these tale....
ISBN: 9781839451744
Published: 13 January 2020
An anthology of works produced by members of the renowned Plymouth Writers Group, this year focusing on the theme of 'Secrets and Lies', but containing fiction of all kinds. Also contains the top five stories from this years Plymouth Writers Group interna....
ISBN: 9781786979544
Published: 23 August 2017
Welcome to the third Anthology of works by members of the Plymouth Writers’ Group. For this year, 2016, we have worked on the theme of ‘Sixteen, And All That’ which gives scope for following the theme of Sixteen, or not, as the writer chooses. This Anthol....
ISBN: 9781786976925
Published: 1 March 2017