Profile: Fiona Fraser-Thomson

About This Author

FIONA FRASER-THOMSON Born in India in the dying days of the British Raj, Fiona was sent to boarding school in England at the age of 4½. She was extensively educated in England in girls' private schools; two finishing schools in England and Switzerland; at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland and the University of Madrid in Spain, in her words ‘to within an inch of my life’. She achieved Honours in English Language; then a B ès L (BA in Languages) from the University of Lausanne and an Honours degree from the Institute of Linguists in London. Her original ambition was to become an archaeologist; however, life took her in a different direction. She started work as an Assistant at Universal Films' London office, working her way up the PR ladder to become PR Manager in industries as wide-ranging as oil to house-building to the travel & tourism industry; and, finally, as PR Manager for the Government of Malta in London. She then ran her own PR Consultancy for five years, creating historical visitor attractions throughout the UK and abroad. On the literary front, she started out writing poetry at the age of 15, her specialty being sonnets, and has gathered a plethora of awards and medals (including Bronze, Silver and Gold medals from the Poetry Society of London) during her career; including twice being an award-winning finalist in the prestigious Bard Of The Year competition. She has had her poetry (having written over 500) published both in paperback and hardback, and has also been published in hardback for historical non-fiction. During all this time, she “never stopped writing”: articles, brochures, leaflets, conception plans, scripts for film and television, and many short stories, the majority of which have been historical non-fiction. Her last hardback publication was as a contributing author to a limited edition Almanac to celebrate the life of Nelson. Her special interest (“bordering on obsession” in her own words) has always been in the pre-history of the Ancient and Classical World, focusing on the Bronze Age and the Celts. Despite her literary inheritance (her late uncle was the renowned writer and poet Alan Ross CBE, AS; another cousin the well-known writer Sofka Zinovieff) and previous published history, Fiona has found it impossible to get a traditional publisher willing to “take her on”; so she published ‘Ghosts of Troy’ as an ebook on Kindle at the end of last year (2017). The paperback is due out by the end of January 2018. Her second novel, 'Nemesis' is set largely in the present day, and is a time-shift murder mystery, alternating between the present day and the 13th Century and is now out as an ebook on Kindle. A collection of her sonnets and poetry; a collection of children's stories; a collection of philosophical writings and two further novels are all ‘in gestation’, with “several others on the back burner”. Fiona lives in a bijou weather boarded cottage on a farm in Essex. Her other interests include gardening and photography.

This Author's Books

We all of us have memories: some good, some bad, some wishful, some remorseful – and all of them, ghosts of the past. The place is Bronze Age Greece; the period is of fabled Siege of Troy. Yet this is most definitely NOT yet another ‘swords-and-sandals’ s....
ISBN: 9781788762649
Published: 9 March 2018
The story is set partly in the 13th century and partly in the modern day, and is based on a Herefordshire legend, which appears to have been corroborated by historical circumstantial evidence. Legend says that about eight o’clock each evening, a phantom w....
ISBN: 9781788765121
Published: 14 September 2018
It is modern-day Norway. A girl is born with a horrifyingly disfiguring scar running the length of her forehead. Shunned by her mother; largely ignored by her father who is disappointed she is not the boy he longs for. She grows up a lonely child, pretend....
ISBN: 9781839459054
Published: 13 April 2021