Profile: Jean Gilhead

About This Author

Born and raised in Richmond near London,Jean Gilhead has been writing short stories since she was a child. After travelling to many countries, she put roots down in Spain and now divides her time between Andalucía, Barcelona and London. Working as a life-style coach and presentations skills trainer, Jean Gilhead can be contacted through her website: Bilingual, she is a self-taught writer: 'Living in Bright Shadows' is her first full-length novel.

This Author's Books

A 20th Century, four-generational novella - set in Italy, Ireland, England and Spain: The Fusciardis, who travelled from Italy to Ireland at the tail-end of the 19th Century, the Devlins living in Belfast and London from the ‘40s to the ‘90s, and the Buch....
ISBN: 9781849231534
Published: 1 November 2011