Profile: Cecilia Coulson

About This Author

Northumbria Region u3a Creative Writers are a group of u3a members. The Group has 14 members from Alnwick u3a, Northumberland to Saltburn u3a, North Yorkshire and many u3as in between. We started meeting on Zoom during the pandemic and continue to do so every month, with occasional face to face social/learning events. In March 2022 we decided to publish a book of short stories and poems. This experience was a huge learning curve, especially organising the publishing element ourselves. Every member has contributed in some way to the stories or poems. Some members were novices when they joined the group and some members already had works published. The moto of u3a is 'for the members, by the members', so we all help each other learn. With our first anthology 'Leafing Through the Seasons' sufficient money was raised to enable us organise a full day workshop for 30 u3a members. The workshop was held in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our second anthology of short stories and poems is hoping again to raise sufficient money to organis another workshop in a different area of Northumbria Region. The strapline of u3a is 'Learn, Laugh, Live. For more information about u3a The photo is of some of the members in June 2022 visiting 'The Word', the National Centre for the Written Word in South Shields, Tyne and Wear.

This Author's Books

This collection of short stories and poems centres around pets, farmyard animals and wild animals. Personal and fictious experiences bring to life creatures ranging from a pangolin to a shy pheasant. Proceeds from the sale of this anthology will support t....
ISBN: 9781803021812
Published: 16 November 2023
A mysterious garden holds a deadly secret, and two schoolgirls are caught up in a daring jewel robbery. Poetry reminds us of the cycle of the seasons and a haiku tells of hope awakening in Spring. This collection of poems and short stories is about optimi....
ISBN: 978DFSF3F02999
Published: 24 November 2022