Profile: Eric Hunter
About This Author
Eric J Hunter is Emeritus Professor of Information Management at Liverpool John Moores University. He has researched and written widely in education, librarianship and information handling. Since his retirement from full-time education, he has continued his authorship activity A third edition of his Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval was published in 2009 and another recent example of his work is: 'Automating the library process' (in A history of libraries in Britain and Ireland, Cambridge University Press, 2005). His many monographic publications include a number of well-known student and practitioner texts which have been used throughout the world and been translated into other languages, for example The ABC of BASIC: an introduction to programming for librarians into Catalan, Classification made simple into Korean, Computerised cataloguing into Japanese; and An introduction to Anglo-American cataloguing rules into Chinese. He has also written two novels: The bullet and the ring: (Feedaread, 2013; Kindle, 2012) and Kisses on the window: the Montagues go to war (Feedaread, 2013; Kindle, 2012). His latest book (2016) is A sailor’s life: from the workhouse to the Training Ship Exmouth and on to sea.
This Author's Books
ISBN: 9781786107718
Published: 8 June 2018
ISBN: 9781782990659
Published: 10 January 2013
ISBN: 9781849232562
Published: 1 March 2013