Profile: Eric Hunter

About This Author

Eric J Hunter is Emeritus Professor of Information Management at Liverpool John Moores University. He has researched and written widely in education, librarianship and information handling. Since his retirement from full-time education, he has continued his authorship activity A third edition of his Classification made simple: an introduction to knowledge organisation and information retrieval was published in 2009 and another recent example of his work is: 'Automating the library process' (in A history of libraries in Britain and Ireland, Cambridge University Press, 2005). His many monographic publications include a number of well-known student and practitioner texts which have been used throughout the world and been translated into other languages, for example The ABC of BASIC: an introduction to programming for librarians into Catalan, Classification made simple into Korean, Computerised cataloguing into Japanese; and An introduction to Anglo-American cataloguing rules into Chinese. He has also written two novels: The bullet and the ring: (Feedaread, 2013; Kindle, 2012) and Kisses on the window: the Montagues go to war (Feedaread, 2013; Kindle, 2012). His latest book (2016) is A sailor’s life: from the workhouse to the Training Ship Exmouth and on to sea.

This Author's Books

Charlie Hunter was abandoned as a young baby on the streets of London and spent his first few years in the workhouse. Later he was sent to the Training Ship Exmouth to be prepared for a life at sea. He joined his first ship as a deck boy in 1909. He serve....
ISBN: 9781786107718
Published: 8 June 2018
Bootle, Merseysie, 1939, and war is imminent. This will be a new type of conflict with civilians, including children, in the front line. The Montagues, Jim, Jane and their four children, are about to live through momentous and periless times. This is the ....
ISBN: 9781782990659
Published: 10 January 2013
During the Second World War, one of the greatest dangers to Britain was the German U-boat. These marauding wolves prowled the seas, preying on Allied shipping, attempting to stop the supply of arms, of food, and the movement of troops and equipment. They ....
ISBN: 9781849232562
Published: 1 March 2013