Profile: Christine Douglas
About This Author
Born in Mountain Ash, South Wales in 1944, I adored reading from an early age but could not read out loud (Knowing what the words mean is different from knowing how to pronounce them). It was not until I was in my 30s was I diagnosed as dyslexia. Although I always tried to write stories it was not until my son gave me his old computer and at last I had help with spelling. I found myself an agent for my stories but he failed to impress the publishers.
My writing took a back seat when I started having trouble with my sight. Eventually I was diagnosed with a hole in the macular of BOTH my eyes.
This, if left, leads to loosing all central vision and therefore an inability to read.
Unfortunately my right eye was too far gone but they operated on my left eye.
After a summer of having to keep my head down, facing the floor, my vision was back.
Then after about six weeks my vision started to deteriorate again. I had a fast growing cataract. My sight became worse and worse until at least, they operated. I could see again, though for the first time I was long sighted instead of short sighted.
All was well for another few weeks before my sight became foggy again. The new lens that had been fitted in my eye had clouded. Three minutes laser treatment cleared that.
That was last November.
March of this year my sight again started to cloud over.
In April I had my six monthly check up and was told the central vision is clear but the fluid in the rest of my eye was slightly cloudy but as long as I did not do any heavy lifting and took life easy it should get better.
In March 2014, having once more visited the hospital, a photograph of my inner eye was taken for the specialist to see what had happened to my macular: unfortunately the lens in my eye was so clouded that they could not see what was happening. They immediately booked to meet in the laser treatment to clear the lens. Two weeks later a 10 minutes’ worth of laser treatment completely cleared my vision.
This Author's Books
ISBN: 9781782995401
Published: 13 June 2013
ISBN: 9781784077747
Published: 10 June 2014