Profile: Rosalie Skinner

About This Author

Rosalie Skinner spent the first forty years of her life as an avid reader before taking up a quill and penning The Chronicles of Caleath. Fantasy and science fiction allowed her to weave life experience with imagination to create a world where her main character would fulfil his quest. Rosalie spent much of her life raising three children while working as a professional portrait artist. She also spent years breeding Australian cattle dogs and children’s ponies. Writing became an obsession while watching her teenage daughter cope with chronic disease. There is a theme running through the series that reflects the courage and despair experienced as her daughter’s potential for a successful career evaporated. Watching her daughter’s courage in the face of adversity inspired Caleath’s story. Rosalie can be contacted through her blog or email LadyRosalieSkinner @ (no spaces)

This Author's Books

Adrift: In Search of Memory, book Seven in the Chronicles of Caleath. Tag Seawell’s strange turns are frightening his shipmates. Each time his eyes turn black unexpected things happen. He can’t explain why. When strangers come to town searching for a man ....
ISBN: 9781788768634
Published: 12 June 2019
In Adrift: The Fragile Sun, Book Eight in the Chronicles of Caleath, our hero's journey continues aboard the Golden Dragon in an eventful seafaring adventure. Facing old friends, adversaries, a cult of necromancers, and a succession of challenges Caleath ....
ISBN: 9781788768887
Published: 31 May 2019
In Book Four of The Chronicles of Caleath; EXILED: The Battle For Enderseer Hold... Azriel’s plans of endless domination are coming to fruition. Nasith’s care is her priority as she persuades the Deathbringer to concede to her wishes. Each day he delays c....
ISBN: 9781788768115
Published: 18 April 2019
The continuing Chronciles of Caleath. In Book Three EXILED: The Legacy of Lathraine's Pledge the threat facing the Southern Regions of Allorn spreads north as warm weather awakens the Tarack. An alliance of Vergöttern and human forces now face overwhelmin....
ISBN: 9781788768030
Published: 9 April 2019
Book Five in The Chronicles of Caleath SeriesTrapped on a dying planet by friends he trusted, Caleath falls into the hands of his arch-enemy. Fortunately, viewing rights make the Deathbringer a valuable asset. More torture, better ratings. Nobody suffers ....
ISBN: 9781788768603
Published: 15 May 2019
After the battle of Invaded, Caleath searches for his friends whisked underground, where magic is scorned and shackled.He must rescue Raul and Nasith before the Day of the Sun. Beneath the artificial illumination of a strange red orb Caleath begins his jo....
ISBN: 9781788768436
Published: 11 May 2019