A Safe Haven

When Dragan set out to become a tailor he didn’t know that his life would depend on how good he could be. As a mischievous adolescent, inspired by tales of his legendary ancestor, Djordje, Dragan was always seeking adventure. Together with his cousin and dearest friend Rada they dreamed of times gone by, re-enacting battles against the Ottoman Turks until adolescent first love threatened to destroy their friendship. As the Nazis begin to unleash their power across Europe, evil descends upon Dragan’s beloved country once more, ripping it apart and Dragan’s family are drawn into the local resistance, hitting back at the Nazis. Witnessing betrayal, torture and execution, the only way open to Dragan is to join the Royal Serbian Christian Army. As communist forces sweep through the country, the Royalists’ only hope is that the British will help them liberate their country and restore the monarchy but are duped into surrendering to them instead. Exiled from Yugoslavia, they are moved from one internment camp to another. Faced with the constant threat of starvation and further betrayal, an unbreakable bond is forged between comrades as Djordje guides Dragan from the dark into the light.
ISBN: 9781781768358
Type: Paperback
Pages: 530
Published: 18 April 2018
Price: $14.12

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