Crash Course
There are little old lady detectives, and hard-boiled detectives. Detectives with massive brains, and detectives with massive moustaches. But no one--no one--has what Shelf Barker has: An endless supply of hapless innocents to save from miscarriages of justice, beginning with himself. His detection skills are a bit unorthodox, as you'd expect from a yoga teacher turned driving instructor turned crime investigator. His wise cracks are finely tuned, a hybrid of his British reserve and a patina of Brooklyn, New York, patois learned from his wife's Italian family. Wacky, transatlantic, and taking the piss out of...well...everybody, Shelf Barker's first adventure will make you laugh and very possibly cause you to add "attending a Mafia funeral" to your bucket list.
ISBN: 9781782997528
Type: Paperback
Pages: 252
Published: 30 July 2013
Price: $14.50
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