Silence is not golden, it’s black...’ This is what Eve would tell you if she could, only she cannot speak the words. Born with a unique birth defect has left her without a voice. It is said that human nature drives us to covet what we do not have so it is hardly surprising then that Eve has become overcurious regarding the conversations of others. This curiosity has set Eve on a path, to perfect the art of eavesdropping. In a shocking twist of Nature, Eve’s knack for ‘people listening’ makes a Darwinian style evolutionary leap when she finds that she is suddenly able to hear the words before they are even spoken! As her newfound psychic power develops Eve begins to live her life instead of simply watching it go by. She begins a journey of self-discovery filled with laughter, tears and an unexpected sexual awakening. She experiences love for the first time and learns that life can be messy and unpredictable. She also learns the painful lesson that when life becomes more than a spectator sport there is far greater risk of injury.
ISBN: 9781781768259
Type: Paperback
Pages: 383
Published: 13 October 2012
Price: $12.95