Future World Rocks!

What would a Space Opera be if not set to music! This story contains interwoven strands that are brought together as events unfold. The first focuses on the aftermath of Nazi research into UFO based systems. Primarily it concerns a flying time travel craft called the ‘Bell’ and its disappearance after those early days when the U.S.A. took over its research. The second occurs in the future, when alien refugees seek asylum with us on our planet. They come from a planet destroyed by one of its own moons and have wandered the stars, looking for a place to stay. Soon they are introducing us to other beings, secretly living under the surface of the planet and mining the moon. Naturally, whodunit problems arise for our crime detection agents to resolve. All this occurs to a backdrop of Rock n’ Roll music, as Future World rocks to its core!
ISBN: 9781788763264
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 310
Published: 18 April 2018
Price: $12.95

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