High Time
‘Mummy, why don’t I have any grandmas or grandads?’ is surely a natural question for a little girl who hears her school friends talking constantly about outings with and presents received from loving grandparents.
But when her innocent question is met by evasive answers, the sense of deprivation she feels outweighs even the problems she faces as a child of mixed race, the daughter of a white working-class girl from Nottingham married to a young black Jamaican of the Windrush Generation...
Tony Whelpton’s many admirers will be anticipating his latest novel with great enthusiasm. If you haven’t yet read any of his books, it is undoubtedly High Time you joined them!
ISBN: 9781788764469
Type: Paperback
Pages: 310
Published: 25 July 2018
Price: $12.95
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