Hyde's Corner - Book I - No Man's Land

Hyde's Corner Trilogy, a Historical/Family Saga epic proportions is a story only three books can tell. Selmer Burks, a man many would call monster. Yet, he is a man capable of great love, devotion to family, friends and community. At fourteen Burks sees his family brutally decimated by Cedric and Jared Hyde. At nineteen, he embarks on a suicidal mission of revenge, but before making a fatal mistake, a newspaper headline catches his eye. With cunning beyond his years, he wins election as Sheriff of the newly formed Sundowner County. November, 1900 marks the beginning of his iron-fisted rule. Under color of law, Burks implements a quest for vengeance spanning 30 years. Time, years of hate, extract their pound of flesh. Paranoia and voices of recrimination hound him. Bourbon whiskey stills the voices for a time. Then, an illicit affair with the daughter of his best friend, a woman 40 years his junior, drives him into a state of guilt-ridden insanity. Betrayal of his beloved grandson preys on his weakened mind. Suspicion, hallucinations and rage rule his thoughts. Burks and his taste for violence push him into a deadly fight for survival.
ISBN: 9781785105746
Type: Paperback
Pages: 267
Published: 24 February 2015
Price: $11.49

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