It's All About You - How to Use Numerology to Make Sense of Your Life

IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU is a modern down-to-earth approach to understanding and using Numerology to unlock the secrets hidden away in names and birth dates. It contains a course of practical exercises designed to give the student a sound working knowledge of the basics of Numerology in the shortest possible time. Emily Peach shows how Numerology can help people know and understand themselves better, recognise their potential and purpose in life, and improve their present situation and future prospects. The result is a comprehensive, user-friendly manual that provides an easy-to-follow guide to using Numerology personally or professionally. Amongst the many topics covered are: - basic elements of numerology - finding and interpreting the five major personal numbers - finding the Concord and Planes of Expression - using Intensification Tables - working with Pinnacles, Cycles & Challenges - dealing with Name Change, Marriage & Partnership - completing a Birth Chart & Nine Year Forecast
ISBN: 9781784075538
Type: Paperback
Pages: 149
Published: 26 March 2014
Price: $9.19

Book Extract

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