RON THE BAPTIST Staggers around the post apolyptic landscape carrying nothing but a soapbox and a message of hope. He shouts to the few remaining scavengers and stragglers that the ‘ Second Coming’ is at hand. Two such survivors are ROSTOV & KIRKEGARD two women scrabbling to exist and BETH & LEM a young couple about to give birth to the new Jesus who happens to be a girl called JESSIS. All though is not what it seems, and the new message looks on the surface to be very similar to the old message. Ron the Baptist is a blackly black comedy set much in Samuel Beckett’s clown soaked landscapes, with a possible future the world may devolve into under Rupert Murdoch’s yoke. Faith, Religion , politics, fascism and philosophy are all posted on these graffiti splattered bomb sites. And after the bitter words and cynical posturings our cast are perhaps left with a 50/50 chance at hope.
ISBN: 9781786976871
Type: Paperback
Pages: 118
Published: 23 February 2017
Price: $10.25

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