Scenario for a Giantess and a Princess

Written over a span of thirty years, from the late 1970s to 2000, these plays are as moving and as relevant today as they were in the earliest days of the women’s movement. Karen Austen captures a full spectrum of political and psychological nuance through the use of archetype, pathos and farce—all with a variety of characters that symbolize “Every-Woman’s” journey through the labyrinth of self-evolution to personal power and healing. The journey is choreographic, full of movement, sound and color, visually evocative, with moments of incantatory grace and magic. Look for yourself amidst these sisters, and enter the labyrinth now…. "Invigorating and iconoclastic!" -- Ron Nash, Director, Community Free Theater, New York "These plays speak strongly of women’s truth: voices of pain, irony, humor, pathos and hope engage the audience and reader through compelling themes and personae…." -– Women’s Theater Repertory, N. Y. "Grist for the mill as we keep rising!—Karen Austen reveals through these finely-crafted theater pieces her own and every-woman’s journey toward Self…." -- Claire Nicolas White, author of Death of the Orange Trees
ISBN: 9781786971142
Type: Paperback
Pages: 156
Published: 28 June 2016
Price: $16.21

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